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Promotions at REALMstudios

We are delighted to congratulate our recently promoted designers Emily, Zander, Ben, Jess, Mike and Watkin.

Two of our Graduates made the jump to practitioner. Emily exudes a natural effortlessness and is always calm under pressure, applying her architectural consideration at every opportunity and expanding her territory of involvement. Zander joined REALMstudios as a graduate just over a year ago bringing an amazing attitude and eagerness to learn in all aspects of his work. He has been the anchor to the Studio’s Communications, while also owning packages of work and applying critical thinking across all his projects.

Ben, Jess and Mike move from practitioner to Senior, bringing significant project experience and a wealth of technical knowledge to their work. Jess brings a distinct approach to design and planning — focusing on community-inclusive design process and what makes great spaces work for all. Ben, with his developed technical and design capability, demonstrates an eagerness to mentor less experienced colleagues through technical details and construction issues. He steps into a senior design delivery and technical facilitation role. Mike has excelled in design leadership, working across our multiple studios to deliver numerous transformative and creative projects reflecting his progressive, engaging, and innovative spirit.

Stepping up from Senior to Associate, Watkin joined REALMstudios 5 years ago and has demonstrated outstanding performance from the beginning. He brought with him significant experience in ecologically driven project work from his previous time spent at SLA in Copenhagen and has leveraged that into his work in the Australian context with REALMstudios. Able to work at all scales, Watkin can see the bigger picture in his projects, contributing simultaneously to local and global objectives. A high performer with a great attitude and strong technical skillset, Watkin very naturally models great project management, leadership, research, and delivery.

Together Emily, Zander, Ben, Jess, Mike and Watkin are to be congratulated for their promotion, and as they make significant and valuable contributions to the REALMstudios team.


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