the water sensitive city
REALMstudios recently participated in a Victorian Government Trade Mission to the city of Kunshan China alongside Aspect Studios, McGregor Coxall and other leading industry partners of the CRC for Water Sensitive Cities. The delegation focussed on the Water Sensitive City and showcased Australian innovation and design, promoting the group as contributors to China’s Sponge City initiative, an initiative where Kunshan is positioning to be a globally recognised leader and demonstration city.
Issues being addressed as part of the program in Kunshan include:
- Flood mitigation, - Improved water quality and health, - Reduced urban heat island effect, - Urban greening, - The urban forest, - Urban ecologies, and - Localised food production.
The impetus for this work is being driven by China’s central government where through funding and commitment Kunshan will, in a very short timeframe, deliver a comprehensive response to water in the city, something which most other cities in the world are struggling to deal with.
As an industry partner to the CRC for Water Sensitive Cities, REALMstudios are partnering with the CRC to deliver a master plan for a 10Ha demonstration park, to be built this year (2017), showcasing new technologies and published results that have come out of the CRC’s research to date.